Thursday, August 1, 2019

Author CC Bolick on the background behind Fear Justice

Do you ever wonder how stories come about? Sometimes they are inspired by true events. Sometimes they just pop into an author's head. Sometimes they are worked on for weeks and months with a lot of research. Today, author CC Bolick is sharing with us the story behind her new YA urban fantasy, Fear Justice. There's also an excerpt for you to enjoy before you download your own copy. Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section. And then of course follow the tour for more chances to enter the giveaway!

Fear Justice

Seventeen-year-old Rena Mason counts the days until she can leave for college. Every night her father drinks himself to sleep, leaving her to care for her younger brother. When her father is kidnapped by terrorists, her dreams of freedom become a nightmare.

Stunned that her father has a history with these terrorists, Rena knows she must run or be their next victim. She learns the tough guy at school has a reason to look after her - he's working for a government agency with the same goal as the terrorists: find a woman who disappeared eighteen years ago. Time is running out since only this woman's special gift can save the world from a looming nuclear attack.

Rena can't trust anyone, especially not the stone-cold agent she's falling for. Can they save the world before Rena's feelings trap her in an agent's fight for justice?

Fear Justice contains elements of fantasy, sci-fi, and paranormal, with a clean romance. It's the first book in an exciting new series called The Fear Chronicles.

Read an excerpt:
Tony cleared his throat. “You said your dad was kidnapped?”

“Last night. Coach and my dad were friends. They joined the Army together.” Why was I babbling? Tony didn’t need to know my life story. “I showed up this morning because I thought he might know why these people were after my dad.”

“Did either of them tell you?”

I shook my head and looked at Tony. “The man who beat up Coach Andrews—he said he’d give me a head start before hunting me down.”

Again, Tony glanced in the mirror. “He didn’t happen to say he drives a black Lincoln, did he?”

As I spun in the seat and leaned over the headrest to see, the belt cut into my neck. Behind us, a black car crept closer with every second. Someone in the passenger seat leaned out of the window with a gun. “There’s a man with a gun following us and I’m not freaking out. At least, I don’t think I am.”

“No, you’re cool.”

With a bitter laugh, I turned back around and dropped down on the red vinyl seat. “Cool? When are you going to ask why I’m not afraid?”

Tony hit the brakes and made a turn that left me choking from the belt’s grip. “Right after you ask why I picked you up.”

Available on Amazon

Background of Fear Justice

Fear Justice worked its way into my head from several directions. First, I pictured this teenage girl who was a whole lot smarter and braver than me. She’d grown up living in a camper on a lake in Florida. Then I dreamed about an argument with a government agent who wore all black, including black gloves, despite the fact sweat rolled down his face with the summer’s heat. He was there to save her, but stubborn Rena Mason would end up saving him instead.

I’d already written a series which included a young agent named Travis Payne. After his dad disappeared at age nine, he was raised by a government agency tasked with protecting the people of Earth from those with special powers (think Men in Black meets X-Men). For years, his personal mission has been to find justice for what happened to his father.

Only one man knows what happened the night Travis’s father disappeared, an agent who retired and now lives in a campground in Florida.

But this wasn’t going to be Travis’s story. He was merely the catalyst. The agent who retired and lives off the grid – he married a woman with a young daughter. Three years ago, his wife died in a horrific car accident, leaving behind Rena and their son Alfie.

Rena is one of my favorite characters. At seventeen, her focus is to earn a scholarship to a college where she can become an aerospace engineer. She can’t help that her father wastes his life drinking and leaves most of Alfie’s care to her. Every A means she’s that much closer to a college dream her dad could never afford.

Although Rena is smart when it comes to school, she’s led a sheltered life when it comes to her dad’s past. After he’s taken hostage by a group of terrorists and her brother disappears, Rena has no idea what to do.

For Rena, I wanted to create a character who literally has no fear. Whether it’s punching out a bully or standing up to the principal to protect a friend who’s been wrongly accused, Rena has a strong sense of right and wrong. However, she soon learns the truth in words her mama once said, ‘not having fear won’t keep you safe.’ She’ll need help to save her dad and brother.

Travis has been sent to protect her, but he’ll get more than he bargained for when they go on the run. Protecting Rena from a group of terrorists will be the least of his worries. Accessing her special power might be the only chance to save everyone he cares about.

About CC Bolick

C.C. Bolick grew up in south Alabama, where she’s happy to still reside. She’s an engineer by day and a writer by night—too bad she could never do one without the other.

Camping, fishing… she loves the outdoors and the warm Alabama weather. For years she thought up stories to write and finally started putting them on paper back in 2006. If you hear her talking with no one to answer, don’t think she’s crazy. Since talking through her stories works best, a library is her worst place to write… even though it’s her favorite!

C.C. loves to mix sci-fi and paranormal—throw in a little romance and adventure and you’ve got her kind of story. She’s written nine books including the Leftover Girl series, The Agency series, and The Fear Chronicles.

Author Links:

One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card. Follow the tour for more chances to win!

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  1. Good morning Andi. Thanks for hosting my tour today and highlighting the background for Fear Justice. The post looks great!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for the comment. Glad you liked the post.

  3. Looks like an interesting book.
    Thanks for the contest. 

    1. Thanks for checking out the post. Good luck with the giveaway.

  4. Sounds like an interesting book!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my book.

  5. Thanks so much for both the book description and giveaway as well. I enjoy hearing about another good book.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for letting me know.

  6. Your book sounds interesting. I hope that it is a success.

    1. Thanks. Fear Justice was a blast to write, with characters I've enjoyed, especially Rena.

  7. How many books do you read in a year?

    1. I usually read 2 books per week, so around a hundred. I keep a long TBR list, but I'm always open to a new book that catches my eye. One of my greatest loves is to find a book that engrosses me so much I don't realize I'm still reading at three o'clock in the morning.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. How long did it take you to write your book?

    1. Around 3 months, but I've had the idea for more than a year

  9. Good luck with the release!


  10. Good luck with the release!


  11. Replies
    1. I try to write every day, even if it's only part of a scene. For each day I skip writing, it takes twice as long for me to get back into the rhythm.

  12. Did you come up with the title of the book before or after you started writing it?

    1. For Fear Justice, I outlined the story, came up with the title, and then started writing.

  13. Do you listen to music when you write?

    1. Yes. I have a playlist for every mood and my choice depends on the type of scene I'm writing.

  14. Who is your favorite character in the book?

  15. Replies
    1. A cat. She loves to climb on my keyboard while I'm trying to write.

  16. I like the sound of this book. I really want to know what's going to happen.

  17. Replies
    1. Glad to hear. Thanks for checking out my post on Andi's blog.

  18. What author do you most admire?

    1. Probably J.K. Rowling because I've heard so much about her story. She went through some dark times including being homeless. I can relate because the way I deal with the darkness in my life is to write. Even if writing doesn't make life better, it makes the world a little brighter for me.

  19. Went to an Indigo Girls concert last night. Do you go to live music concerts?

  20. What was one of your favorite scenes to write?

  21. Have you ever been to Santa Fe?

  22. We had a big thunderstorm today. Did you?

  23. Do you like the heat? Hit 100 here today.

  24. Finally cooled off a bit here. Did it there?

  25. I really like the sound of the book.

  26. Are you doing anything this 3 day weekend?

  27. Do you get hurricanes? We sometimes get blizzards.

  28. I swim for exercise. What do you do?

  29. Doing anything special this weekend?

  30. Did you write much over the weekend?

  31. Are you getting Fall weather yet?

  32. Are you reading these comments any more?

  33. More like summer than fall today.
