My Book Blogs

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog today! In case you are looking for a different genre, I have plenty of book blogs to keep you reading! Check out all of them below!

Andi's Book Reviews - geared toward the 17+ crowd - fiction and nonfiction

Andi's Kids Books - picture books for the young'uns

Andi's Middle Grade & Chapter Books - kids books for the young and young at heart

Andi's Young Adult Books - YA geared toward the high school and college crowds - some new adult is here

Books for Parents & Teachers - pretty self-explanatory, eh?

Books to Light Your Fire - 18+ ONLY reads - spicy romance and more!

Uplifting Reads - inspirational, spiritual, religious books all find a home here

What are you in the mood to read today?     


  1. Hi, Andi! Are you accepting book review requests?

    Lesa Howard

    1. On occasion. I always have a huge stack waiting to be read!

  2. Hi, Andi,
    Do you accept guest posts for blog tours still?

  3. Hi, Andi. I am a follower of many of your Blogs and would like to express my concern as the comments that I make on your posts never show up. How can I address this issue?

    1. Hi Bea, thank you for reaching out! They do eventually post. I have to manually approve them because I get an obnoxious amount of spam posts. And for some reason, the younger the intended audience, the more inappropriate they seem to be. I try to check a few times throughout the day during the week, but am not usually online during the weekends. Your name is definitely familiar to me as a regular commenter! And I see your comments across all of the blogs when I check after approving them. Thank you for following! Please let me know if you have continued concerns.

  4. Are you on social media anywhere?

    1. Nancy, sorry, I am just seeing this! I took on a new job as the director of a small early learning center and have fallen behind somewhat. Yes, I am on Facebook at Andi Reviews With A Girl And Her Kindle ( & Andi Reviews With Kindle Kiddies ( I've started posting more on Instagram (@candrelsccc). I'm still dabbling on Twitter on occasion (@andreacoventry and @montessoriwrite). And I am on Bluesky ( Hope to find you somewhere!
