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Welcome to the book tour for Seven Ways to Kill a King by Melissa Wright. I have an exclusive excerpt for you to enjoy today. If you follow the tour, you'll get even more, as well as some reviews! Plus there's a great giveaway for you to enter.

Seven Ways to Kill a King
By Melissa Wright
YA Fantasy
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 264 Pages
August 10, 2020
She was born a princess. They made her an assassin.
One was an accident. Two a coincidence. By three, they would know. It would be harder, but I would avenge my mother’s death. These kings would pay that price.
Seven cities make up the Storm Queen’s Realm, each of their self-crowned, murderous kings are one of Princess Myrina’s marks. The treasonous curs may have banded together to share a stolen throne, but soon they will fall.
They thought her dead, killed in the massacre. They thought their rule secure, but Myrina of Stormskeep has awoken. With the help of her loyal bloodsworn, the shadow princess of will have her revenge.
For fans of The Witcher and Game of Thrones—a new princess set on vengeance is here to steal your heart.
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Cass leaned down to blow on the flame, and when the light flared, it caught his expression. Miri had thought him angry, and certainly, he was, but something else simmered beneath his displeasure. Terric was a queensguard and had been his friend. Miri hadn’t just risked cost to herself. If Terric didn’t make it, it would cost them both.
Her fingertips curled into her palms. She sank to sit on the cool ground, heedless of the settled dew.
“I’m going for meat.” Cass gave her a look, one that seemed to imply she should stay precisely where she was until he returned—possibly longer.
She managed a curt nod.
Then he was gone. The horses let out quiet breaths and tore occasional clumps of grass from beneath the trees. Shadows shifted outside the fire, and after a time, the faint sounds of the forest returned. Miri tried not to drown in her thoughts. Her hands could do nothing to occupy her mind, for her heart had no interest in finding the occupation. She’d been there before. She’d made mistakes and chosen wrong. It had always made her feel exactly that alone.
About the Author
Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

Ends September 17, 2020

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