The Order of Ascalon takes you on a magical mystery adventure through time and around the world...
After a group of drunken yobs mug sixteen-year-old Peter Butler one evening, he discovers that he has ancient magical powers that will change the course of his life. He learns that he is the son and heir of the legendary English King – Arthur Pendragon, sent 1500 years into the future by Merlin, to protect him from a malicious powerful sorcerer – Mallum Mallus, who seeks to devour the Light of Adunaris within him. Peter becomes embroiled in the oldest conflict in human history, one fought by influential and deadly secret organisations. With his centuries old godmother, Glynnis Goldwine, he embarks on a daring magical adventure around the planet, deciphering clues left by Nostradamus, that lead him to forgotten and powerful artefacts, hidden in famous landmarks. The Illuminati hunt him. The Arcanium need him. Governments want him!
After a group of drunken yobs mug sixteen-year-old Peter Butler one evening, he discovers that he has ancient magical powers that will change the course of his life. He learns that he is the son and heir of the legendary English King – Arthur Pendragon, sent 1500 years into the future by Merlin, to protect him from a malicious powerful sorcerer – Mallum Mallus, who seeks to devour the Light of Adunaris within him. Peter becomes embroiled in the oldest conflict in human history, one fought by influential and deadly secret organisations. With his centuries old godmother, Glynnis Goldwine, he embarks on a daring magical adventure around the planet, deciphering clues left by Nostradamus, that lead him to forgotten and powerful artefacts, hidden in famous landmarks. The Illuminati hunt him. The Arcanium need him. Governments want him!
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I was born a long, long time ago in 1979, in Scarborough, North Yorkshire. Back when the dinosaurs played tennis at Stonehenge. I grew up in a lovely little town called Whitby. I am married and have two wonderful daughters. I like coffee, gherkins and writing fantasy stories. I have so far written one book "The Order of Ascalon", which is part of a trilogy. I am currently writing the next book called "The Order of Ascalon - Retribution". If you would like to know more, you can find the book's page on twitter, and on the main social media website. Happy reading!
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